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2018 Twirling Camp
June 11, 2016 - June 14, 2016
JUNE 9-12, 2018
1965 54 Years 2018
A note from the camp director: We invite you to attend the University of Tennessee Twirling Camp and work with a Championship Staff. We look forward to sharing our experience and expertise with all of you. We want the campers to develop new skills, learn correct technique and execution, meet new friends and develop lifetime memories. Our goal is to challenge, motivate and inspire all twirlers while having an enjoyable and fun time.
Nicole Jensen, Austin TX: Former University of Georgia Feature Twirler, holds the titles of Junior and College Miss Majorette of America, Women’s Collegiate Champion, NBTA World Silver Medalist, (Belgium), TwirlMania Collegiate Champion, NBTA Certified Judge
Carson King, Stafford VA: Captain of Clemson Tiger Twirlers, Former member of Wheaton National Champions Dance Twirl Team, Twirled at 2 Football National Championships, Represented Clemson University at 2 National Collegiate Championships at AYOP
Elisa Wilhoit Crawford: Former UT Majorette, Miss Majorette of the South and Miss Majorette of Tennessee
Hope Kane Felker: Former UT Feature Twirler, DMA Collegiate Majorette, DMA Collegiate Halftime Winner, DMA Miss Majorette of the Year, Strut National Champion
Kelly Isbell Harper: Former UT Majorette and AAU Junior Olympic Gold Medalist in Freestyle, Dance Twirl and Strut. USTA State Champion Dance Twirl and Strut
Jaime U. Medlock: Former UT Head Majorette, coaches numerous solo and group twirlers in AL. She is a former Miss Majorette of Alabama and Miss Majorette of the South.
Christy Taylor Mistron: Former UT Majorette. Some of her titles include DMA Collegiate Half Time Majorette of America, and Miss Majorette for DMA and NBTA
Shelbi Bias Ruffino: Former UT Majorette, winner of numerous Miss Majorette of Tennessee Titles, AAU Gold and Bronze medalist, WTA National Strut Champion
Kari Summers: Former UT Head Majorette, Assistant Head Majorette. She has won several State titles.
Michelle Blazier White: is a former UT Majorette with many local, State, and Regional awards. She specializes in choreography and routine perfection for high school half time shows.
Kathy McCarrell-Smith,CAMP DIRECTOR: is a former UT Head Majorette, NBTA National Twirling Team and Corps Champion. She is the Director of Kathy McCarrell’s Majorettes where her students have won State, Regional, and National Awards.
All campers will be supervised by trained, experienced personnel. Twirlers under age 12 must attend as day students unless accompanied by sponsor, parent or teacher. Very young day students should attend with parent or teacher. Resident assistants will be on duty in the dorm at all times. College students will serve as camp counselors.
Camp registration must be received by May 25, 2018. Detailed camp information will be emailed to each camper, unless otherwise requested. Included in the information will be a medical authorization form that must be completed and signed by parent/guardian and turned in when you arrive for camp. Classes begin on Saturday, June 9 at 3:30 p.m. in the Natalie Haslam Music Center (WJ Julian Band Room #227) 1741 Volunteer Blvd. and conclude Tuesday, June 12 at noon following the Performance Program.
Novice/Special Beginner Twirling Camp – Designed for the young twirler (4-10 yrs old) who has never twirled or just beginning to twirl. Young twirlers will attend camp on an abbreviated schedule of 3 hours per day and receive instruction in basic fundamentals of twirling and strutting. Must be at least 4 years old to attend.
Twirlers and Majorette Lines – Come prepared to work hard with current and former UT Majorettes and other nationally known instructors. Instruction in one, two, three and four baton, strut, modeling, dance-twirl, duet, group routines and fire baton will be offered. Beginner, intermediate and advanced level classes included. You will have the opportunity to learn enough material to last the year!
MAJORETTE LINES– Classes will be available for marching, precision, unison of twirling ,general handling, technique, discipline, teamwork, reading charts, how to “write in” majorettes on a chart to be a visual and integral component of the show, novelty props, and problem solving classes.
Potential University of Tennessee Majorettes- Attending this camp is an excellent way to prepare for UT Majorette auditions. You will have the opportunity to meet and twirl with the current majorettes and learn “The Bird” and other requirements for majorette line try-outs.
Swim Party: Sunday night at the UT Aquatic Center 7:00-9:00. Bring your swimsuits, towel, beach shoes. Plan to make new friends, cool off and have a lot of fun!
Private Lessons- A limited number of private lessons with camp staff will be available during camp. Requests are filled in order they are received and limited to one lesson per camper. Private lesson requests and payment must be received with your registration by May 25, 2018. Please list 1st, 2nd and 3rd choices.
Camp Performance Program – The Camp Performance Program by campers in their solo and group classes will begin Tuesday at 10:30 am. Special guest performances by featured instructors will highlight this program that is open to parents and friends. Costumes are not necessary for this program. Special awards will be given by the staff to recognize “Hardest Working” and “Most Improved” in each classification.
UT Majorette for a Day- Following the performance program a special drawing will be held to choose a twirler who will have the opportunity to attend a UT home football game as guest of the UT Band and see exactly what it is like to be a UT Majorette. Twirler must be accompanied by one parent/chaperone. Camper must participate in the Performance Program to be eligible for the drawing.
Twirling Level Classification: Please indicate twirling level on registration form.
- Novice/Special Beginner: New twirler and attending the Novice camp.
- Beginner: Working on perfecting fundamentals, may or may not consistently be able to catch a one turn, working on 2 turn and double elbow roll.
- Intermediate A: Mastered fundamentals, can catch 1 & 2 turn, double elbow roll and can do 50-60 thumb flips per minute.
- Intermediate B: Can do 60-100 thumb flips per minute, can catch 2 and 3 turn consistently, and complete 3 or 4 elbows
- Advanced: Mastered elbow rolls, 3 & 4 turn and can do 100-200 thumb flips per minute.
- Advanced Elite: Can catch 5 and 6 turn left and 2 ½ or more turns right and mastered 2-3 different continuous rolls (i.e. back of neck, front of neck, diamonds, etc.) in addition to elbow rolls, and can do 100+ thumb flips per minute.
Resident student (includes Instruction, Housing, Meals and Camp T-shirt)……….$370
Commuter/Day Student (Instruction plus Camp T-shirt, no meals)……………….$285
Novice/Special Beginner Camp…………………………………………………….$80
Resident Sponsor/Teacher (includes Instruction, Housing, Meals, Camp T-shirt)…$250
Parent In Dorm with Child ( includes housing, meals, T shirt, no instruction)…………..$235
Private Lessons (30 min)……………………………………………………………$40
Parking Pass………………………………………………………………………..$5 (per day)
Meal Ticket (Optional for Day Students Only)………………………………………………………………..$70
Please submit your completed application online by May 25, 2018
Commuter students: Meal tickets may be purchased for all camp meals. Tickets are $70 and cover the cost of pizza party, breakfast, lunch and dinner on Sunday and Monday, and breakfast on Tuesday. If you wish to purchase a meal ticket, please include $70 with your camp registration fee.
Private lesson requests and fee of $40 must be included with your camp registration by May 25, 2018. (List 1st, 2nd, 3rd choices)
Saturday Orange Day
Sunday Sparkle Day
Monday Favorite TV or Movie Character Day
Tuesday Camp T shirt Day
* Cancellation policy – Written notification required by June 3, 2018. A $50 processing fee will be charged for all cancellations. No refunds processed after June 3, 2018.
Questions: Kathy McCarrell Smith