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2019 Percussion/Guard Camp

Dear Pride of the Southland Percussion and Colorguard Members,

As a member of the UT Drumline and Colorguard, you are required to attend the Summer Camp, which will be held July 12-14 .  The purpose of this camp is to work on basic fundamentals, and to prepare for the upcoming season.  Check-in/registration is at 11:00 a.m. on Friday, July 12th in the UT Band Room located in the Natalie Haslam Music Center on 1741 Volunteer Blvd.  Any student who is marching DCI needs to communicate their schedule conflicts with Dr. Don Ryder.  You can reach him by calling (865) 974-5031 or at

Please complete the Registration Form located on the UT Band Website (link below).
(Deadline for registration is July 1)

Camp Registration

You will also find a schedule for the three days of Summer Camp on the same link as the housing form.

You will receive more detailed information regarding Full Band Camp in the near future.  For your information, percussion and guard members will report to Band Camp on August 7.

Colorguard Only:  Below is a Welcome Letter, Packing List, and Required Sequence List.  Please check out all of these attachments prior to camp.

Color Guard Welcome 2019

Colorguard Camp Packing List

Required Sequence List


Percussion Only:  Below is a Welcome Letter (including placement audition instructions) and the Drumline Placement Audition Music.

Step 1 (All Percussion):  Pride Drumline Welcome Letter

Step 2: See instructions located in the welcome letter

Snare Manual 2019

Tenor Manual 2019

Bass Manual 2019

Cymbal Manual 2019


We are very excited about this upcoming season!


Dr. Donald Ryder           Dr. Michael Stewart                           Dr. Fuller Lyon
Director of Bands          Associate Director of Bands             Assistant Director of Bands

The University of Tennessee Bands

University of Tennessee Bands
1741 Volunteer Blvd.
227 Natalie L. Haslam Music Center
Knoxville, TN 37996-2605
Phone: 865-974-5031
