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London 2023

This site is designed to provide up to date information for current Pride of the Southland members as well as family/friends. Information will be updated with current students via email as needed throughout the Winter & Spring.

LATEST UPDATE: (6/25/23)

CLICK HERE for the Flight List

CLICK HERE for the Hotel List

London Packing List

Joining Instructions

Bus/Flight arrival and departure times


Land Itinerary: Version 1.6 (5/17/23)


For those needing financial assistance and those wanting to support the band, we have set up a VOLSTARTER program through the university. Through the VOLSTARTER, family members, friends, alumni, and Vol fans will have the opportunity to support the trip by contributing to the band as a whole or by supporting a specific student (by adding the name in the “comment” box). Feel free to share this link as needed with everyone you know:

Payment Link: CLICK HERE

Payment Dates:

$500 due by October 1

$1,000 due by December 1

$1,000 due by March 1

***APRIL 1 is the final go/no go date

$1,000 due by June 1


Clay and Debbie Jones Center for Leadership and Service: We are partnering with the Jones Center to track your hours of service. Through ServeUTK you will be able to find and sign up for hours through different agencies.  If you provide hours at an agency that is not on the list, you are able to input those hours as well by clicking the “Add Impact” button at the top-right side of the page. These hours will be verified by the organization administrator. Any hours that are provided through “band events” must be logged through Dr. Stewart or Ms. Wolfenbarger. You cannot log “band events” through ServeUTK. While we are not providing a pay-per-hour for these outreach opportunities, we will be making note of who is making an an effort to impact their communities as they request financial need.


Passports: If you have not taken care of your passport, this winter break would be the ideal time.  The cost of a new passport is $160 while a renewal of a current passport is $135. The expiration date on the passport must be a minimum of SIX MONTHS AFTER the trip (that would be valid past January 3, 2024). 

For more information regarding passports click here:

Remember, we have an office here at UT that can help you get your passport!!  Click here to set up an appointment:

Do not wait until the last moment to get your passport.  We will reach out to everyone in early February to see how this is going.

The University of Tennessee Bands

University of Tennessee Bands
1741 Volunteer Blvd.
227 Natalie L. Haslam Music Center
Knoxville, TN 37996-2605
Phone: 865-974-5031
